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National Parks of the United States

National Parks are wonderful places to spend time with family and friends, relax and take a break from your daily routine as well as enjoy the beautiful scenery! Tweet

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State and Federal Fish Hatcheries

Looking for an unusual day trip to take with the kids?  Try visiting a state or federal fish hatchery.  The kids should be able to feed the fish and they can learn how the fish are raised if a tour is provided. Federal Fish Hatcheries State Fish Hatcheries Alabama- Alaska- Arizona- Arkansas- California- […]

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5 Ways to Beat the Heat on a Summer Day

Five ways parents and kids can beat the summer heat and still get outdoors on a summer day. 1. Take swimming lessons at a local pool or park district lake. 2. Go on an early morning hike. 3. Visit a local cave or cavern where the temperatures are usually cooler 4. Take a trip to […]

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