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Camping Gear Checklists

Gear Checklist ☐ Tent ☐ Sleeping Bag or Blankets ☐ Sleeping Pad or Air Mattress ☐ Pillow ☐ Tent Stakes ☐ Tarp ☐ Cooler ☐ Cups and Plates ☐ Forks, Knives, Spoons ☐ Reusable Water Bottles ☐ Hammer for Pounding in Tent Stakes ☐ Flashlights  Health and Emergencies ☐ Bug Spray ☐ First Aid Kit […]

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Day Hiking Checklist

Day hiking is fun, easy and cheap!  It does not require much specialized gear but there are a few things that are handy to bring along.  Take a look below. ☐ Comfortable walking shoes ☐ Baseball cap or wide brimmed hat ☐ Pants if there are mosquitos ☐ Shorts ☐ T-shirt ☐ Sweatshirt or fleece […]

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Cool Outdoor Phone Apps

Phones and the outdoors? Why? First, if you want to unplug and not interact with a phone, please do so. After all it is your vacation and you can spend it any way you want. If you are not looking to detach yourself from technology as part of your vacation, there are some pretty cool […]

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